SemanticScholar.jl Documentation
Semantic Scholar is an academic paper repository, which provides a convenient API. The default scholar is able to make about 100 requests/5 minutes. The SemanticScholar.jl package wraps the API to make it easier to access from Julia. There are 2 APIs that this package exposes (for accessing the academic graph, not the peer reviews):
- low-level API: basically direct Julia bindings to their web API
- high-level API: encapsulates more high-level logic into structs and functions that are not necessarily linked to their API structure (this can be slower, depending on your specific needs; more data tends to be asked for in this API)
Suggestions or contributions welcome!
Getting Started
You can install this package using Julia's default package manager:
(env) pkg> add SemanticScholar
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("SemanticScholar)